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Oxy Tools Storm Trek

Code: 21284
Oxy Tools Storm Trek

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Oxy Tools Storm Trek Sofort lieferbar 860.00 €/stück Ohne MwSt

Geben Sie die gewünschte Menge ein



    A new tools designed and developed for PPF and Windows Tinting activities.
    Simple and functional, consisting of a mobile base with slots for two Storm Tanks (9 or 18 L. not included) and two baskets, convenient for storing micro-fiber cloths or sprayers (3 for each basket).
    The 2-meter bar houses the movable supports, useful for storing squeegee, cutters and for attaching sprays.


    The structure is completed with the two horizontal arms constrained to the upper end of the shaft needed to support the tubes and lances of the Storm Tanks.

    With the Oxy Clack System, the lances are magnetically attached to the 4 plates (2 at the ends of the two upper arms and two on the mobile supports), this guarantees an immediate and safe release /coupling. Storm Trek is fully adjustable and adaptable to your needs, heights and activities, thanks to the possibility of moving and sliding all the elements in the profile guides.

    Storm Trek, equipped with a muti-electric socket (for outdoor use) and a LED light, guarantees perfect lighting and a comfortable power supply for our heat-gun Typhoon.

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