It is important for us that you are satisfied, which is why we try to be as precise, fast and reliable as possible from the time of order to delivery. In fact, during all phases of the purchase process you are provided with all the useful information, from product availability to delivery methods, so that the service we offer you is 100% comprehensive.
We ship worldwide within 12/24 hours of receiving the order. We have invested a lot of time in the selection of our logistics partners, to guarantee our customers an efficient and reliable service that allows the parcel to be traced from the moment it leaves our warehouse until delivery.
We process the order normally within 8 hours (except weekends and holidays) from the day of receipt of the same. Orders received before 12:30 are usually processed in the afternoon of the same day, while those received after 12:30 are generally processed the following day. With the fulfillment of the order we entrust the products to the trusted courier or shipper for sending to the address indicated by the Customer, summarized in the order confirmation.
Deliveries are made by land transport within the next 48/72 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays). In the event that a problem occurs with the courier during transport and the package does not arrive at its destination within the time limits set, please notify us promptly: we will try to do everything to resolve the issue as soon as possible!
We invite you not to contact us before the time limits have elapsed, as the data necessary to be able to take the necessary measures would not yet be available.
The delivery times indicated refer to purchases with advance payment by credit card and PayPal and concern the products in the warehouse at the time of the purchase order. To find out more about payment methods click here.
Different payment methods such as the advance bank transfer can change the delivery time as the order will be managed only when we receive confirmation of the credit in the bank.
Please note that: it is not possible to provide a guarantee on processing and delivery times, because the variables involved are different and unforeseen events may occur due to force majeure (in these cases we will try to give due communication where possible). Above all, once your order has been entrusted to the courier, it is not possible to determine and guarantee a precise delivery time.
No responsibility, for any reason whatsoever, can be charged to us if the products are not delivered according to the indicated terms.